Monday, March 30, 2009

Americans blind to the enemy within

Most recently, a very gruesome killing occurred near Boston, MA. This was an instance where some guy (a Haitian immigrant) for some reason went berserk and decided to stab his 17 year old sister to death, behead his 5 year old sister in front of police, and then attack his 9 year old sister, stabbing her several times before police finally shot him and killed him. The 9 year old is recovering in a local hospital and expected to make a full recovery.

One of the comments in the story that caught me off guard though, was, "How can anyone be so brutal and vicious of a killer!"

It is easy for us in the United States to throw that statement out there. We are shielded by a media that seems to think instances of this type of brutality outside of our boarders are not news worthy. They seem to think that reporting the latest iPod release from Apple is more prevalent than killings overseas that would be considered by our society hate crimes, brutal murders without conscious, and in some instances race or religion cleansing. Why? Why doesn't our media report that?

Why isn't Dan Rather in Iraq depicting the scores of women and girls that were once banned from schools now getting a proper education? Why isn't Peter Jennings in Afghanistan reporting the honor killings occurring where entire families are wiped off the map in the name of religion and honor? Why is it that we do not get the daily reminder of "Real Life" in a Muslim based country?

What we consider brutal is merely accepted procedure abroad in many countries. Yet, our public either is ignorant to the fact, or choose not to care because it doesn't affect them in their daily lives. For now....

The details are still streaming in on this very unfortunate event in Boston, but what about the "Honor Killing" that occurred in a Dallas/Fort Worth Suburb? Where did the publicity go? Only Fox News and ABC news covered it initially, and no one since... Yasir Abdel Said was a taxi driver and father of three children, two of which were teenage girls. The bulk of the reporting was concerning the girls who were shot in the taxi cab by their father, and the 911 recording of the girls pleading for help as the father escaped. Since then, very little has been said.

These girls were born and raised Muslim, but conflicting in the Western Culture. The father was growing increasingly angry at their lack of respect for the Muslim religion, and even informed the girls that if they did not shape up, he would take them back to Egypt and kill them, where it is legal to do so. There are also reports of the girls coming to school with welts on arms and back, and other beatings that occurred, including an event that had one of the girls lips embedded in her braces, but they would not seek medical attention in fear of the father being thrown in jail.

The son, Islam, even shares responsibility, in my opinion, as he begged Amina to come home after one particular argument, stating that "Father will not hurt you, I promise and give you my word on that." She did so.....and one hour later she was making that infamous call to the police as she laid there dying. Sarah and Amina are dead. The father was never captured, and now they believe he is back in Egypt living a normal life.

This happened in our back yard, people. This is not the first, nor will it be the last. We need to be reminded of this brutal culture that condones and even encourages such evil behavior in the name of religion. We need to remember how fortunate we are to live in a country that does not tolerate such extreme actions. Instead....we move on and wonder if the government is going to bail us out of our financial crisis, allowing us to continue to live our current lifestyles.

Here is a reminder. Verse 4:34 from the Quaran: "Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and [as to] those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great."

Don't forget Amina and Sarah. Don't forget the thousands others who met a similar demise overseas. Don't forget how wonderful our country is.

By the way.....where are the women's rights groups that are so quick to jump on the causes here in the US? Why are they not shooting blood out of their eyes at this and other examples? Why does this not qualify to be on their agenda?

by Das Goob! Now listen!

-"Life is hard. It's harder if you are stupid" John Wayne

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Here come the gun possession laws....

First off, please let me start this by saying how sorry and full of sorrow we are for the innocent people in Illinois who were gunned down in cold blood a couple of days ago. Our hearts and prayers go out to you.

While this story is so tragic, it is also unnerving in how it is being portrayed in one particular aspect: Guns.

The Associated Press reported the gunman's bedroom collection as an "arsenal". Here is the quote:

"The arsenal in accused gunman Terry Sedlacek's room included two 12-gauge shotguns, a rifle and a box of 550 .22-caliber bullets, according to court documents filed Tuesday."

Arsenal? Really? This is an Arsenal? Good grief! 550 rounds of .22 caliber bullets? My brother and I would go through that shooting ground squirrels in a couple of hours...

If that is an arsenal, then we have a major problem here in the State of Idaho. There are thousands and thousands of residents heavily equipped and able to overthrow the government and institute Martial Law since they are equipped with an "arsenal". We had better have the National Guard surround the entire Northwest (except Seattle and Portland, of course) to contain the lawlessness that is daily life in a land full of single family arsenals..... In Illinois, it is an arsenal; in Idaho, we call it "the basics".

Associated Press.....we get hate hate people who want to keep hate the 2nd amendment. No need to sensationalize stories to get your point across. We know you will never understand the reason to have the right to bear arms.

You are going to get your way.....we are moving in the direction that you want....eventually we no longer will have the ability to have guns. You will be happy.....society will be much more gun crime will occur.....they will be banned and a happy life will ensue for all. Just like cocaine, methamphetamines, heroine, marijuana, etc. They are banned and no longer exist in our country. Thank goodness for your "progressive" thinking..... Well, I guess it is not totally original, either...... Hitler did the same thing.

by Das Goob! Now listen!

-"Life is hard. It's harder if you are stupid" John Wayne

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Bern in Hell

The latest bit out about Bernie Madoff:

He and his wife claim they are entitled to keep a $7 million Manhattan apartment and an additional $62 million in assets.

He and his wife say they are entitled to keep their $7 million New York (Manhattan) apartment, and of course, $62 million in assets in her accounts. Really? You think that you deserve to keep that after what you have done to bilk thousands of people out of billions of dollars?

Court papers filed on Monday state that Madoff and his lawyer say the Manhattan penthouse and money held in accounts of Madoff's wife, Ruth, are not subject to seizure. I say you are wrong! I am sure you had absolutely no idea what was going on when hubby was screwing every penny out of friends, family, and strangers. I am sure your lavish lifestyle was purely due to your hard work and ol' Bernie was on his own....right?

The $62 million includes $45 million in municipal bonds on deposit in an account held by Ruth Madoff and $17 million in her name at Wachovia Bank. Sounds like the beginning of his (and her) pittance to repay those whose lives they have ruined.....

Right now the government is still investigating his actions. Don't worry dear, I am sure they will find a way to link it to you as well and nail your petite little tush to the wall. Besides, ol' Bernie tried like heck to funnel off as many funds as he could before the feds could touch do we know that isn't part of it?

Face it, either you are really stupid and were completely suckered by this walking penis or you are in on the laundering of the money. Either way, it doesn't belong to you. It belongs to thousands others.....

Sad thing is....the lawyers will get it all in the end. Our only hope for justice is that Bernie will get a little in his end too.

by Das Goob! Now listen!

-"Life is hard. It's harder if you are stupid" John Wayne