Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Here come the gun possession laws....

First off, please let me start this by saying how sorry and full of sorrow we are for the innocent people in Illinois who were gunned down in cold blood a couple of days ago. Our hearts and prayers go out to you.

While this story is so tragic, it is also unnerving in how it is being portrayed in one particular aspect: Guns.

The Associated Press reported the gunman's bedroom collection as an "arsenal". Here is the quote:

"The arsenal in accused gunman Terry Sedlacek's room included two 12-gauge shotguns, a rifle and a box of 550 .22-caliber bullets, according to court documents filed Tuesday."

Arsenal? Really? This is an Arsenal? Good grief! 550 rounds of .22 caliber bullets? My brother and I would go through that shooting ground squirrels in a couple of hours...

If that is an arsenal, then we have a major problem here in the State of Idaho. There are thousands and thousands of residents heavily equipped and able to overthrow the government and institute Martial Law since they are equipped with an "arsenal". We had better have the National Guard surround the entire Northwest (except Seattle and Portland, of course) to contain the lawlessness that is daily life in a land full of single family arsenals..... In Illinois, it is an arsenal; in Idaho, we call it "the basics".

Associated Press.....we get hate hate people who want to keep hate the 2nd amendment. No need to sensationalize stories to get your point across. We know you will never understand the reason to have the right to bear arms.

You are going to get your way.....we are moving in the direction that you want....eventually we no longer will have the ability to have guns. You will be happy.....society will be much more gun crime will occur.....they will be banned and a happy life will ensue for all. Just like cocaine, methamphetamines, heroine, marijuana, etc. They are banned and no longer exist in our country. Thank goodness for your "progressive" thinking..... Well, I guess it is not totally original, either...... Hitler did the same thing.

by Das Goob! Now listen!

-"Life is hard. It's harder if you are stupid" John Wayne

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