Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Bern in Hell

The latest bit out about Bernie Madoff:

He and his wife claim they are entitled to keep a $7 million Manhattan apartment and an additional $62 million in assets.

He and his wife say they are entitled to keep their $7 million New York (Manhattan) apartment, and of course, $62 million in assets in her accounts. Really? You think that you deserve to keep that after what you have done to bilk thousands of people out of billions of dollars?

Court papers filed on Monday state that Madoff and his lawyer say the Manhattan penthouse and money held in accounts of Madoff's wife, Ruth, are not subject to seizure. I say you are wrong! I am sure you had absolutely no idea what was going on when hubby was screwing every penny out of friends, family, and strangers. I am sure your lavish lifestyle was purely due to your hard work and ol' Bernie was on his own....right?

The $62 million includes $45 million in municipal bonds on deposit in an account held by Ruth Madoff and $17 million in her name at Wachovia Bank. Sounds like the beginning of his (and her) pittance to repay those whose lives they have ruined.....

Right now the government is still investigating his actions. Don't worry dear, I am sure they will find a way to link it to you as well and nail your petite little tush to the wall. Besides, ol' Bernie tried like heck to funnel off as many funds as he could before the feds could touch it....how do we know that isn't part of it?

Face it, either you are really stupid and were completely suckered by this walking penis or you are in on the laundering of the money. Either way, it doesn't belong to you. It belongs to thousands others.....

Sad thing is....the lawyers will get it all in the end. Our only hope for justice is that Bernie will get a little in his end too.

by Das Goob! Now listen!

-"Life is hard. It's harder if you are stupid" John Wayne

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