al-Megrahi was a convicted murderer, responsible for the bombing of Pan Am flight that was flying over Lockerbie, Scottland in 1988. All 259 on board were killed, as well as 11 on the ground. al-Megrahi, as tried by a panel of his peers, was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison (with a minimum of 27 years to be served).
Unfortunately, the Scottish have a "Humanity Clause", so as he dies of colon cancer, and has been given 3 months to live, they released him back to his home country of Libya. He served 8 years in prison. That is a equivalent of 11 days behind bars per victim. Think about that and let that sink in for a while. Let's say I blew up your sister/mother/lover/father/brother/BFF up in their car as they were traveling home for Christmas (which was the case for this flight). And I get sentenced to serve life in prison, yet only end up being in prison for 11 days. Would you be happy about that? I didn't think so. If you killed my wife or daughter(s) and got 11 days in prison, let's just say I would be there to make sure your day of freedom is your last.
Where is the "humanity" for the 270 people that perished that day, or the countless family members and friends affected by this cruel and evil deed? Why cant their suffering be taken into account? It isn't. It wasn't an accident, it wasn't even manslaughter. It was straight up murder of the first degree (premeditated).
I feel horrible for the families and friends of those lost in this gruesome well publicized tragedy, and all the pain they will undoubtedly feel all over again as this cold blooded killer walks free again. I hope there is something you can focus on to help you find the good in all that is bad.
Me, on the other hand, don't have that level of compassion in me. I am just cold that way. I instead envision al-Megrahi flying home to be with his family for one last time as his life is nearly over...... relaxing in his comfortable first class seat...... asking for some more water........ BANG!!!!! If only it could be done without another single innocent person being captured in it...... It would be justice having him fall to his death, feeling that inevitable panic as you see your death meeting you. So many fell that way on that cold day in 1988. If only he could get a little of his own medicine.
I know.... cold..... but so very appropriate for this killer...... even if it was nearly 21 years ago. I guarantee you he is much more cold and calculated inside with his lack of respect for life. Not a military target, not a camp of rebels...... no, he blew up innocent civilians.
by Das Goob! Now listen!
-"Life is hard. It's harder if you are stupid" John Wayne
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