Monday, January 26, 2009

Who caused the housing crisis? W, of course.....

Please watch this video......

Now, you tell me how the housing crisis is George Bush's fault. How many warnings did they need to understand what was happening? Why isn't Barney Frank out on his hiney looking for work? What group of constituents would continue to blindly re-elect complete buffoons like him?

I blame George Bush for not beating the drum on this issue when we had a chance to fix it. The signs were there. People much smarter than him or Barny Rubble were sending up serious flags without coming straight out and grabbing him by the collar and saying, "YO, PREZ! WAKE UP CHUMP! THIS IS GOING TO GET UGLY IF WE DO NOT FIX IT!" Instead, we have to play nice because we are just right wing wackos that get blamed for everything. Good job.

Now everyone that loses their house will blame W. He obviously meant to kick them out in the street....... WHERE are your BRAINS, people?

Now, if you have 8 more minutes of time, watch this. Count how many representatives say there is no issue at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Unbelievable. Where is the public outcry? Why aren't people going berserk trying to oust these clowns? GET RID OF THEM! THESE ARE THE PEOPLE TO BLAME FOR THE HOUSING CRISIS!

Did you know who was the #1, #2, and #3 recipient of campaign funds from Fannie Mae? Look it up.

I think my eyeballs are going to explode.....

by Das Goob! Now listen!

-"Life is hard. It's harder if you are stupid" John Wayne

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