Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Stop saying the Iraq war was unjust or unnecessary!

You know, one of the dumbest things that President Bush could have done during his tenure as Commander in Chief is to bet all his chips on finding weapons of mass destruction during the invasion of Iraq. DUMB!

We didn't need to find them. The fact that the U.N. made "resolution" after resolution after resolution threatening Iraq and Saddam Hussein with military action if he did not comply (which he never met) was enough for us to go. That is it. That is the only reason we would need to give military action. Of course, there is the confirmed fact of correlation between Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein. That just adds to the justification against this cruel dictator. But, unlike 99% of the US public that is more concerned about the temperature their mocha latte is being served to them, I remember the reports of what really happened in Iraq.

Now, long after the war has been over, and long after Saddam is dead, video comes out of Iraq of what he really did. He used chemical weapons (yes, those are considered weapons of mass destruction) on his own people. Hundreds of thousands of people were killed using these weapons. Unbelievable video footage of entire villages and small cities completely wiped off the map. Don't believe me? Look it up in your libraries. Find the videos made by National Geographic called, "Inside Saddam's Reign of Terror". Very graphic video showing all of these bodies gassed as they were in their houses, streets, markets, etc. Video of people round up, dumped in 6ft deep by 50ft long pits, and then buried. Beheading, breaking arms in front of peers for brutality sake, throwing people off of buildings, hanging on the wall for fun, maiming and torture of those accused of even petty crimes, all decrees written and ordered to be enforced by Saddam Hussein.

Google photos of Halabja, a city in the Kurdish area of northern Iraq. Gone. Dead people everywhere from chemical attacks, frozen in time. How about Hilla? Killing fields of Saddam Hussein. Mass grave of 3000 Shiite rebels from the uprising.

All in all, no chemical or biological weapons were found, but they did find 180 separate mass graves, totaling over 300,000 dead......of his own people......his countrymen.....his children.

You are right Hollywood, there were no weapons of mass destruction found. He used them all up on his own people. Quit judging from your glass houses with your Mercedes in the garage, your Louis Vitton bags, and all your other lavish living ways. Think for once with the grey matter in your head. This Iraqi villain had killed enough and needed to be handled in a similar manner as those he murdered. He was tried and convicted, expeditiously executed, and buried by the countrymen he once terrorized. These people now can live free generate their own government. You better thank your gods daily you live in a country that preserves those types of freedoms you take for granted.

by Das Goob! Now listen!

-"Life is hard. It's harder if you are stupid" John Wayne

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